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A day or so after I became Mrs. Hamilton, the business that had remained nameless in my thoughts and prayers came to life, and The Hamilton Exchange (T.H.E.) was born. I remembered telling my husband years ago about this vision that was contingent upon us pulling our relational skills together. I love love, people, and families. and I want love, people, and families to win, to survive, and be amazing. However, I understand that those things can take work. Before I did this thing, I wanted to be the best version of myself, I didn't want to do it hypothetically or hypocritically. I wanted to birth the thing that God put in my heart, the thing that often kept me up at night because I wanted to do it so badly. So, leading up to the moment that I became Mrs. Hamilton, I put in the work in my relationships and myself. We still fail at marriage, family, and people sometimes, mainly because we are human. The people and experiences behind T.H.E and our affiliates are not built on perfection but on pursuing progress.
I often chose to endure difficult experiences alone. Suffering in silence was the chosen option over the fear and shame that I assumed would accompany sharing. Oddly enough, I have never been ashamed to share my experiences after the fact. After the fact meaning, I had already suffered in silence, and I had already figured it out through trial and error. That's when I realized that there is power and healing in our experiences. Sharing my most vulnerable moments made me realize that there are no unique experiences. There is more likeness than difference. We view them as unique because we think we are alone, and we filter those experiences through a personal perspective. So now, I use those experiences to encourage, empower, and restore other people. Now, I share less after the fact. I found safe spaces to be vulnerable and courageous. I created T.H.E. to be that safe space for others.
The journeys of my life including marriage, have been far from perfect. Life isn't perfect, it ebbs and flows and takes us in directions that we have no maps or GPS that can help with finding our way. Yet, through it all, I have discovered that we don't have to venture on these journeys alone. I want the person reading this and considering The Hamilton Exchange as their safe space partner to know that burdens can be heavy, however, they are much easier if we carry them together. Let's do it afraid, let's do it with vulnerability, let's do it with anxiety and depression, with tears, with broken hearts, with grief, while overwhelmed and most of all let's do it together.
The Hamilton Exchange is where you come to trade in your trials, errors, fears, and deepest darkest secrets in exchange for joy, peace, encouragement, empowerment, and restoration.